Thursday, April 3, 2014

News Covereage Fort Hood Shooting

The news coverage story i covered was the tragic shooting at Fort Hood, Texas which left 4 dead and many injured.

CNN: CNN started there breaking report with a 911 recording and then when straight to footage from the scene with a narrative over the shots. The news anchor seemed very serious about the issue and you could see the remorse in their faces. The report also included a few still images and interviews with different officers. It also included part of the short speech President Obama gave later that day.

ABC: ABC news started their report with the new anchor describing that Fort Hood deploys the most troops overseas and has the most casualties coming from their base. It then cut to some short clips of Fort Hood and showed scenes of people in remorse after the shooting. It really made you feel for the victims and how tragic the story is. You can really see the sympathy the news anchors have for the victims of this horrible tragedy

FOX: All the reports were pretty similar considering it was such a tragic story. It’s hard to report the tragic event differently on different stations because the story is known and the anchors are shpwing respect to the victims while doing the reporting. FOX talked about the issue of PTSD more in their report than the other channels. The shooter was allegedly being treated for PTSD and was a psychiatrist at the fort.

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