Thursday, January 30, 2014

McLuhan and Firefox

I was thinking about how Mcluhan suggests that our removal from the "tribal" ways of earlier human civilization was harming culture as a whole, and for some reason the Firefox logo (which was loading painfully slowly on my office PC) made me think of the ways in which we choose natural imagery or language to describe technology (like the "Blackberry").

So I remembered the Firefox/Windows meme, and decided to see if there were other versions of it out there. The idea that this OS would outsmart a clever animal seems particularly appropriate...

There's this one:

and this one:

and this one which riffs on the original:  

Of course, memes are a very specific type of image, plus text, and usually denote some special cultural reference. But that's the first thing I thought of when choosing an image. I wonder what McLuhan would have made of internet memes...

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