Marshall McLuhan: "If we understand the revolutionary transformations caused by new media, we can anticipate and control them; but if we continue in our self-induced subliminal trance, we will be their slaves."....
"This is the zombie stance of the technological idiot. It’s to escape this Narcissus trance that I’ve tried to trace and reveal the impact of media on man, from the beginning of recorded time to the present."
This photo represents a modern version of what McLuhan was speaking about. The "texter" is caught up in what Marshall called a "self-induced subliminal trance" and is in a "zombie stance"; in his own world so to speak, because of the "Narcissus trance" that his phone and the technology and media it provides has caused him to enter and be preoccupied by. McLuhan wanted society of his time to realize how the media and how technology affected them, their environments, and their society; not just be preoccupied with the next new thing and the cool new things it can do for them, all the use they can get out of it, or how they can use these things and what for.
I love that cartoonist; his simple lines are so eloquent somehow.