Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fish In Water

McLuhan was right when he implied that we as a society live in a media and electronic based world without being aware of the negative effects that could come from it. Like a fish that is unaware that they swim in water, we go about our every day lives engulfed in our modern electronic ways and don't often think about how we are being taken advantage of. Small gadgets have become so important to us because of efficiency, but people do not often consider how companies like Apple try to take advantage by using planned obsolescence. Not only this, but because we are so attached to these gadgets that help us to accomplish every day tasks, we ourselves are becoming more and more dependent on technology. Sooner or later, this is going to catch up to us and the human race could be in peril.


  1. I agree, our dependency upon technology is indeed endangering our well being in many ways, both individually and collectively.

  2. Justin you are so right, I think its kind of crazy who these companies are constantly coming out with the next new thing, and since the next generation comes out so quickly people cant wait to get it because they feel like they are missing out on something.
