Sunday, February 23, 2014

Goodnight, and Good luck

I, very much to my surprise, really enjoyed Goodnight, and Good luck. Everything about the film from the actors to the shots the camera took intrigued me and kept me very interested throughout the whole movie, even with the slow pacing. I used to be a film and video studies minor so I am used to paying close attention to detail when it comes to films, this just made me appreciate the movie even more. Goodnight, and Good luck is one of those movies you can watch multiple times and take something different out of it each time. I would absolutely watch this again and would recommend it to my friends that are also interested in film. It was surprising to me that I had never even heard of this movie before we watched it in class considering the popular actors cast in the production as well as the quality. The quality of the film really caught my attention. It being an independent film with a relatively small (in terms of the industry) budget of $7 million I was not expecting the quality that was put forth. Another thing I was surprised by, while searching IMDB was there incredibly low amount of movie showings there was of Goodnight, and Good luck in theaters. In the U.S there were only 11 screenings in its opening weekend, in comparison to thousands that other movies have. Overall, I was impressed by the way the actors seemed to accurately portray their characters even when real footage was showed to make a direct comparison too. This movie took what could have been a boring history lesson and turned it into a complying story that I really enjoyed, if only every lesson in school could be done like this!

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