Sunday, February 23, 2014

Good Night, and Good Luck

I, personally, have mixed feelings about this movie. First off, I will start with what I did like about the movie; the positives. I liked the look and feel of the film. The black and white coloring helped make the movie feel as if it was really made in 1953. In addition, the costumes and hairstyles were spot on for the time period. Another aspect of the film that I enjoyed was Robert Downey Jr.’s acting. Robert Downey Jr. is an amazing actor with serious talent, and that talent really shines throughout the movie. Watching his performance helped me stay engaged in this overall mostly boring film.

As for what I did not like about the movie, one aspect was the plot, which moved too slow. The were several points during the film when I felt myself losing focus in the picture, due to the slow moving plot. Another aspect of the movie that I did not enjoy was George Clooney’s acting. While he may be a good director, Clooney suffers as an actor, due to the fact that he plays the same role in every one of the movies that he acts in; himself.

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