Monday, February 3, 2014

I Forgot My Phone

This is a short film that accurately depicts how our culture is now addicted to our smartphones. People's phones are now an actual extension of man and this video proves it and it isn't that exaggerated. You see many people just alone on their smart phones, even while surrounded by others. We are obsessed with capturing moments instead of just merely experiencing them.  It's a very real portrayal of modern life and is shows how we often use technology at the expense of forging real, human connections.

Check it out


  1. Is this in response to the McLuhan interview? Because that assignment was to post an image, not a video (not quite the same thing)

  2. Just thought that it was an interesting and touching video that accurately portrayed our discussion in class about people and their connection with their cell phones. After seeing it I've been leaving my phone at home and realized how much we rely on having them with us whether its actually needed for contacting someone or just for personal comfort.
