Thursday, February 27, 2014

TV Critic assignment: helpful links

I have collected a few links from various critics who write about TV. Maybe these will inspire you or lead you to find some other useful sources...

First, Stephanie Zacharek. Former film critic for, she also wrote about television a faire amount, especially Buffy the Vampire Slayer (maybe no other Salon critics wanted to write about it? or did she win the coin toss?). Here is her review of Me Without You, with the description of the torn dress...

Joyce Millman was Salon's first TV critic, and has also written for The Boston Phoenix. Her"Blue Glow awards" are always a good read.

The blogs at Television without Pity have a few good reviewers; amateurs, mainly, but this need not preclude good, insightful writing.

Many big city, mainstream newspapers like The L. A. Times have top-notch reviewers. Likewise the Chicago Tribunehere is their review of American Horror Story: COVEN.

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