Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dustin Rowles inspired critique.

Since all of you feel the urge to throw your two cents in on the TV series Breaking Bad and everything that it did wrong, I thought I’d give you my opinion on one of the greatest TV shows of all time, which coincidentally enough happens to be Breaking Bad
Vince Gilligan is the equivalent of a modern day god. I’m quite confident that when he bleeds he oozes 24k liquid gold. Gilligan created a TV series on a simple concept; chemistry teacher gets diagnosed with cancer and resorts to making meth (blue colored meth) as a way to fund treatment and support his expanding family. Nothing too complex about that, however the way Gilligan casts his characters is absolutely genius. Walter White, played by Bryan Cranston is a level headed, family man who turns into a psychotic, ruthless, drug lord basically overnight. Cranston fits the role like a glove. A stoic character who rarely displays emotion throughout the entire series yet somehow makes his viewers feel more emotion during one episode than they’ve felt in a lifetime. The man’s brilliant. 
Then there’s Jesse Pinkman, a punk-ass, meth-head turned Walter White’s business partner played by Aaron Paul. The relationship (or should I say ‘chemistry’) between the two of them makes the show worth watching in itself. They hardly ever get along and most of the series I found myself wondering which one really wore the pants in the relationship (spoiler alert: it’s Jesse). Paul plays his character flawlessly. In fact, the first time I saw the guy in a suit at the Oscars I couldn’t believe it was him. While watching the show I often forgot that Paul wasn’t a real life drug addict. Speaking of real life, Paul’s wife Lauren Parsekian is a freakin’ bombshell, google her, you’re welcome. 
Skyler White, is Walt’s wife played by Anna Gunn. Most of the show was spent cursing her out, whether it be for her affair with her boss or her overall bad attitude, I think Skyler was universally hated. I read somewhere that Anna Gunn received death threats and hate mail on multiple occasions from Breaking Bad fans, that’s when you know your acting is topnotch. Well done, Anna. 
A real catch in the show is that the D.E.A agent assigned to bringing down the creator of blue meth happens to be Walt’s own brother-in-law. Hank Schrader, played by Dean Morris, is a stocky, tough guy with a super soft interior. Throughout the series Walt is usually only one step ahead of Hank making the show invigorating and exhausting all at once. 
I could go on all night about the marvels of Breaking Bad but I’m going to stop here before I give too much of the show away. Basically you don’t have to like meth in order to appreciate Breaking Bad (although the show’s even incredible while under the influence). All you need to enjoy the show is an appreciation for an awesome television production. So next time you all feel the need to complain about a show which is a direct gift from god, complain about something more relevant, like how your wife isn’t Lauren Parsekian.  #firstworlproblems.

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