Friday, March 14, 2014

"The Following" More Deaths, New Cults, Is it really the end of Joe Carrol?

       After the thrilling ending of season one which leads us to believe that joe carrol was in fact killed we ponder where will the show go from here? Another main character was killed off claire leading us just to another death of a main character. Was it supposed to be a surprise or just an act of violence leaving another vital character out of the story line. The premise of the story seems to be changing from Joe’s Carroll's main cult of killers to a few small group of people that are committing acts that Joe Carroll's followers would commit.
        With Claire dying within the first few minutes and a one liner that describes the whereabouts of Claire and Joes son Joey, the viewer is left with two main characters out of the show. The show then takes another turn when a series of murders takes place on a train, with the killers dressed in masked similar to Joe Carolls appearance; as opposed to season 1 when the killers were in Edgar Allan Poe masks.
        So wheres the story taking us now? All that the viewer is left with is Ryan Hardy still alive and still being burdened by death in his life after the loss of Claire. At least he isnt consumed by alcoholism anymore; but whats going to happen next? Is Joe Carrol still alive, and why are these small cults still going after Ryan Hardy. The start of Season 2 just leaves us confused and not sure what to expect with the new season. It seems as if it could take a total turn and could just be the start of a completely different show.

This was written from the point of view of Maureen Ryan from the Huffington Post.

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