Saturday, March 8, 2014

House of Cards

The first critique I chose is by Matt Zoller Seitz. I liked his look into the modern aspects of House of Cards such as his discussion of technology and social media used in the show. Outside of the show itself House of Cards is very reliant on technology because it is on Netflix exclusively, which leads to bing viewing that is very popular in our culture. Seitz discusses these things and how it incorporates into the plot and how the show is written.

The second critique of House of Cards is written by Ross Miller. Miller looks at the show as more of a character study. The show is greatly about Washington D.C. , politics, and power hungry politicians. Beneath this it is a show about a man and his wife, adapting to the world they live in. I think Miller explains the characters perfectly not only at face value, but why they are the way they are.

The third critique was interesting to read because I disagreed with it. It is a negative look at the show, however I must admit Chris Cillizza explains very well why he does not like House of Cards. He articulates his arguments and they make complete sense. Cillizza points out that the show puts politicians in a very bad light and is over dramatized. Cillizza also mentions the character of Zoe Barnes (who sleeps with politicians to get stories) is offensive to female journalist, which is hard to disagree with because she is an overly sexualized character. 

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