Emily Nussbaum’s review of the Breaking Bad finale was very intriguing to me. Nassbaum gives a very detailed, enthusiastic and informative recap of the episode sprinkled with wit and sarcasm in all the right places. Her use of language is appropriate for any audience, however she appears intelligent and her vocabulary is expansive. Naussbam argues that the finale didn’t hit home for her, but was able to provide evidence and proper support for her opinion that even persuaded me that the finale could have been done better.
Kevin Jagernauth’s review of the Breaking Bad finale was a very interesting take on the episode. Jagernauth successfully recaps the show in chronological order which unlike Emily Nussbaum’s finale review, makes the review very organized and easy to follow. Jagernauth looks at the finale through the eyes of fans and not through the eyes of producers and writers. Jagernauth argues that the finale involved so much closure that it may have left too little to be pondered once the credits rolled. Instead of leaving viewers in an adrenaline rush, the episode spoon feeds them every bit of closure they could ask for, which Jagernauth believes was the shows only downfall. His writing style was very structured and informative and he didn’t push his opinions too forcefully onto the readers but instead leaves them thinking.
Dustin Rowles’ review of the Breaking Bad finale was by far my favorite review to read. Rowles is a strongly opinionated human who will make you feel like an idiot for disagreeing with him (some may be insulted by this but I find it rather funny). Rowles’ biggest complaint isn’t about the finale episode at all, it’s about the people who complain about the finale episode. Rowles’ dry sense of humor makes this review a great read! He argues that those who feel that the final episode was ‘too perfect’ need to find something more worthwhile to complain about. He’s got balls because he isn’t worried about offending people and their opinions. I like him for that.
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