Monday, March 10, 2014

The Walking Dead Review. Three Articles.

The Walking Dead Review. Three Articles.

 I appreciate Emily Nussbaum’s candor in her review of “The Walking Dead.” She establishes right away that she is a fan and then does not hesitate to point out the shows flaws. She compares “The Walking Dead” to such shows as “The Stand,” “The Lord of the Rings,” and “Lost” in that they are all structured around diverse crews that form mini-societies in the wake of trauma.

Verne Gay refers to “The Walking Dead” as disgusting… but in a good way. I could not have said it better myself. This article is interesting to me because it was written right before the premiere of season 4. Verne makes minor predictions about the season.

This is a review of the most recent episode. I chose this article because it analyzes the “interesting balancing act” that the writers must play with their characters stories now that they are separated. This gives the writers time to develop the characters further which is something that I would like to discuss in my review as well. Erik Kain’s style in this review is to analyze the choices of the writers and reveal the struggles that they must endure to maintain such an elaborate story structure. 

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