The first article that I found comes from The New Yorker, it is a 2 page review of the entire series. The author Emily Nussbaum goes into a great deal of detail describing all of the things that she thinks the show does brilliantly and where they seem stray from their success. The reason I liked this article was how she criticized the writing for the show. She believes that they need to stick to their roots when writing stories for emerging characters in the show and I agree. She hit the mark when she said they often give certain stories too much time on the air. Justified is at its best when they give an intriguing and entertaining villain 42 minutes to rise and fall in an episode.
The second article was much more of a bashing then a critique from The Washington Post , the only nice thing the author, Tom Shales, has to say about it is how good looking the main character is. The reason I liked this article was due to the dry sense of humor that the author maintained throughout the criticism. The way he ended the article was comparing Justified to a slut that you would not take home to meet the family.
The last article jumped out at my due to how much credit the writer gives to Elmore Leonard, who is the writer whose characters the show is based on. My dad is a Leonard fan and has always tried to get me to read his stuff, so I just enjoyed someone else appreciating the respected writer. This review comes out of The New York Times, the writer Mike Hale admits that the writers of the show over do it on the copy-catting of Leonards style which is not the first I have heard that being said.
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